Make FutureCents Your Home Page
Foreseeing Future Trends, Opportunities and Investments
Want To Make FutureCents Your Browser's Homepage?

Whether you are an avid trader or you just like to keep tabs on future trends you should keep FutureCents.Com just one click away. Make FutureCents your browser’s homepage and every time you get on the Web FutureCents will automatically load and be the first site you see. Plus, no matter where you are on the Web, you can always press your browser's home button and be returned to your future megasite instantly.

Netscape Navigator 4.x users:

1 - Select "Edit" and then "Preferences" from top tool bar on your browser.
2 - Choose the "Navigator" Category from the left side.
3 - On the right side, in the Home Page section, where it says "Location:", type -
4 - Click on "OK".

Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.x and 5.x users:

1 - Select "Tools" and then "Internet Options" from the top toolbar on your browser.
2 - Select the "General" tab.
3 - Where it says "Home Page" in the space next to "Address", type -
5 - Click on "OK".

That’s it! Now will be your browser's homepage!
Note: If your are using a Web browser other than IE or Navigator, please consult the browser's help documention to find out how to change your homepage.


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